Resonance Medicine Star
Resonance M. Consulting:  Strategy, VC_Invest, Funding, Marketing, Training, Study,
 ResonanceM | 共振医学 | B5 | Gov | USA | Russia | China | UK  | France | Germ | Japan | India | CAN | AUS | Italy | ZA | Mexico |Brazil
Info  | Manage | Service | Edu | Forum | Community | Health | Wellness | Nutri | Senior | Sleep | Mental | Addict | Weight | Phy.Therapy | Nurse
Medicine | Disease | Hospital | Doctor | Diagnosis | Treatment | Drug | Device | Business | Finance | VC | Fund | Company | Build | Job | Site

Resonance Medicine

Resonance Medicine
Resonance Medicine: Government
Resonance Medicine Strategy
Resonance Medicine: Management
Information:News, TV, Radio, Web, Magazines

Education:Education & training, research & innovation, journals, conference, forums.

Health:Fitness, nutrition, sleep, weight loss, addiction treatment, physiotherapy, nursing, senior care.

Medicine:disease, hospital, doctor, diagnosis, treatment, drug, instrument

Business:Finance, innovation, investment, research funds, companies, construction decoration, jobs.
    If you are interested these, please contact us:

New Products


   We supply the more safe, the more green, economical and stable Eco building materials and prefab house system (quickly-assembled) in the world.

BLD-Quickly-Assembled, water-fire proof-A1, 180 M2 house, US SD.

   BMSFRBMT Products


Resonance Medicine
Manage, Infor. and Business

Resonance Medicine Management
Resonance Medicine
National Management
USA: Health FDA

China: Health FDA

UK Health FDA
France: Health FDA
Germany: Health FDA
Canada: Health FDA
Australia: Health TGA
Resonance Medicine
Academic Forum
Development Strategy

Development History


Treatment Mechanism

Risk Factor

Research Method

Health:Sleep, mood, weight loss, quit smoking, quit drinking.

Disease:Diabetes, autoimmune diseases, asthma, dementia, tumors, addiction treatment, adjuvant treatment.

Research Funding


Clinical Training

Overseas Study


Resonance Medicine
Public Community
Review Treatment Mechanism Risk Factor

Health:Sleep, mood, weight loss, quit smoking, quit drinking.

Disease:Diabetes, autoimmune diseases, asthma, dementia, tumors, addiction treatment, adjuvant treatment.


Research Funding


Resonance Medicine Information
Resonance Medicine Information
USA Infor  News  TV  Radio  Web  Magz

China Info  News  TV  Radio  Web  Magz

UK Info    News  TV  Radio  Web  Magz

Canada Info  News TV  Radio Web Magz

India Info  News  TV  Radio  Web  Magz

Resonance Medicine Education
Resonance Medicine Education
Medical School Ranking
Times  QS  ARWU
USA Harvard Stanford J.Hopkins UCLA
UK  Oxford  Cambridge  UCL  ICL
Asia Tsinghua National HK Tokyo Peking
Canada Toronto McGill UBC McMaster
China United Kingdom Canada Department of Resonance Medicine  China  USA  UK  Canada
书刊馆  图书  期刊  论文  专利  会议
基础  临床  诊断  药物  仪器  管理
医药  生物  诊断  治疗  康复  创新园

 2020生理或医学  物理  化学  科普  文学
 2021生理或医学  物理  化学  科学  文学
 2022生理或医学  物理  化学  科普  文学
 2023生理或医学  物理  化学  科普  文学
Resonance Medicine Business
Resonance Medicine Business
Fund:Govern  Donation  VC  Res Fund
Bank  Lawyer  Insurance  Accounting
Design  Apply  Construction  Repair
 A    B    C    D
Resonance Medicine Company:
 A     B     C     D
Resonance Medicine Job
Govern:Health Dept,FDA,CDC

Education:College, school, scientific research, consulting, training

Hospital:Hospital, nursing home, clinic, testing, service.

Company:Company:Pharmaceuticals, biology, instruments and equipment, technology, intelligence


Investment: Funds, Risks, Innovation and Technology Parks, Clubs.





Resonance Medicine and Health Medical Services

Editor's note: Resonance medicine has been applied ever since the Chinese ancestor Fuxi "tried a hundred herbs and made nine needles" and has developed scientifically to this day; the vision of this website is to promote the development of resonance medicine and make bioresonance therapy fully applicable within the health field. Mr. Fan Jiang, 2023.12.1  for details

Resonance Medicine:
Health, Wellness, Nutrition
Health Wellness Topics
Brain: Learning-Memory-Forgetfulness-Dementia-Heredity


Sleep:Physiology-good sleep-diet-drinking-coffee-stress-environment-disorder-improvement

Addiction:Gaming - Smoking - Shopping - Drinking - Narcotics

Cardiovascular:Physiology-diet-exercise-blood vessels-high blood pressure-infarction stroke-diabetes-stress-heredity




Lungs:Physiology - Smoking - Air - Infections - Tumor


Bone and muscle: Physiology-diet-exercise-calcium-bone-muscle-joint-tumor


Nutrition:Age-Gender-Iron-Calcium-Zinc-Balanced Nutrition-Unhealthy Nutrition

Diet:obesity - weight loss - physical condition - healthy diet - unhealthy diet - fiber - sugar - fat - cholesterol

Weight:Diet - Exercise - Mentality - Weight Loss - Weight Gain - Genetics

Habits:good habits-eating-smoking-alcoholism-infections-tumors-

Pollution:Food-Air-Water-Infectious Disease-Tumor-Improvement

 Physical and mental health
 Nutrition:Fitness training
 Fitness equipment
 Health products
Health Information
Information  News  TV  Radio  Web  Magazines

Resonance Medicine:
Diseases, Diagnosis, Treatments
A.Common Disease:
Infectious Diseases:Influenza, colds, diarrhea, measles, rubella, mumps

B.Difficult to treat Disease:
Cardiovascular Diseases  Cancer
Diabetes Dementia

Hospital:Public, private,& clinic
Doctor:Specialty, Emergency, Dental, Family
Diagnosis:Imaging, pathology, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics
Physiotherapy:Exercise, physics, massage
Nursing:Hospitalization, emergency room, operating room, nursing home, home visit
Senior:home, senior home, nursing home
Traditional-Medicine:China, Asia, Africa, America
Traditional Hospital:Public, private,& clinic
 Doctor:Specialty, Emergency, Dental, Family
 Diagnosis:Imaging, pathology, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics
 Physiotherapy:massage and acupuncture
 Nursing: hospitalization, emergency room, operating room, nursing home, home visit
 Senior:home, senior home, nursing home
Drug pharmacology: Chinese medicine, Western medicine
Drug interactions: Chinese medicine, Western medicine, Chinese and Western medicine
Drug side effects: Chinese medicine, Western medicine, Chinese and Western medicine
Non-prescription drugs
Traditional Medicine: Herb, Acupuncture, Massage, bioresonance therapy
West Medicine:Drug, surgery, radiotherapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, bioresonance therapy.
Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine:
Bioresonance therapy
China  USA  UK  Canada

The websites are under construction, if you like cooperation and VC with us, please contact us. Located at Canada,Ontario,Hamilton.
We can service to the customers in the local cities (such as Hamilton, Burlington, Guelph, London, Cambridge, Mississauga, Toronto ) in Ontario, Canada. We can also service to the customers by e-mail in the other cities (such as Ottawa, Kingston, Montreal, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Halifax,Saskatoon,Saint John,Charlottetown) in Canada and worldwide (such as New York, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Indianapolis, Boston, Columbus, Detroit, Baltimore, Miami in US, Brasilia, Mexico city, Buenos Aires, Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Athens, Amsterdam, Madrid, Oslo, Stockholm, Bern, Budapest, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya in Japan, China Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi, Jiangyin, Chongqing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, fuzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan, Changsha, Xian, Dalian, Shenyan, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, New Delhi, Cairo, Kuwait city).

Please contact us:

About us | Contact us | Advertise with us | Legal info

"" is a division of Feshing International Inc.
Copyright since 2023.12.1, All rights reserved by Feshing International Inc.


World Web +







We can assist large and middle cities in the world to formulate development strategies for high-tech, commerce, industry, education, medical care, tourism, senior care, real estate, etc., so that the supply of urban housing is sufficient, the seniors can enjoy their life,the social security can be improved, and the government can balance the debt or reduction. Please contact us.

  BC wide fire
  Alberta wide fire
  To deal with harsh climate
  World COVID 19

Venture Capital Projects

  1 Biotechnology Inc.
 Support us to start the development of cheap and massive vaccines against the covid19, mutated covid19 and Monkeypox.

 2 Bio-health Inc.
 Support us to development and listing of bio-health products (good for middle-aged and elderly people) and health web platform.
Health Web

 3 Art and antique Inc.
 Support us to collect art and antiques, set up an auction company, and establish a web platform.
Art and Antique Web

 4 Co-Real estate development
 The development of tourism chains, retirement communities, and real estate web platform.
Real Estate Web

  If you are interested these, please contact us: